Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Turn Warm Leads into Showings

Hey all,

Any good sales prospecting starts by knowing the buying cycle.

Then you must have an approach that meets the customer right where they are.

Follow that up with a plan to regularly nurture and contact your leads and the commission dollars will soon follow.

Except when they don't.

Sometimes we make a great contact with a lead and are diligent to follow-up with them regularly, but we still don't get the business.

Part of this is the nature of real estate prospecting.

There are two components to ANY sales prospecting.

     1) Numbers
     2) Time

The other part is the inherent messiness in human relationships. We aren't always clear with each other.

There is a low pressure approach that cuts through the communication messiness and works to set a showing appointment almost every time.

Let me set the stage.

You have been following up with a customer regularly for 6-12 weeks and they are showing all the signs of someone beginning to move into phase 2 of the buying cycle.

You are getting along great with the customer and beginning to get excited that this is the closing you were waiting for.

The problem is they aren't making any overtures to hire you as an agent or to allow you to help them find a home yet.

And you don't want to be the first one to make a move for fear of scaring them off by being too forward and coming across as "salesy".

We use a script that is no pressure and still shifts their idea of us from customer service rep to real estate agent. You can personalize and print this script (and others) at

     Hey [Customer Name], this is [Name]. I was thinking of you the other day and I ran across perhaps the perfect home for you. It has X and Y features and I think you are gonna love it. Anyways, if you want to check it out online, I can send you the address and MLS. Or if you want to see the inside, I can help with that as well.

Really lay it on thick.

You have such a tight relationship that you think of them all the time (nevermind the fact that you are busy and thought of them because they came up in your CRM to followup).

You just ran across the perfect home for them (ran across it in the MLS 5 minutes before you called). And you want to offer to show them the inside.

If they say no, then you keep on following up until they are ready. More often, they respond with something like "Sure. We don't have anything going on Saturday. Let's go take a look."

This approach works because it offers them agent services while also still remaining neutral and not jeopardizing your relationship.

Once you start showing them property, it's hard to mess up.

Tomorrow, we are going to introduce a key component in our followup that allows you to personally follow-up with hundreds of leads in just a few minutes.

And no, it's not lame email drip campaigns.

Of course it's included in our Pipeline Pro Tools System.

If you want to get a jump-start, check to see if we have availability in your market.

All the best,

Levi Jones

PS. This type of follow-up only works if you have the right tools and training to generate a steady supply of leads.

Our agents generate 2-3 leads per day without spending extra on advertising.

Check to see if we have availability in your market.

If we do, you can get started at as little as $99 per month. No contracts. No setup fees. Really. 


Guerilla Realty
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