Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Schedule more showings

Hey all,


It's not really as complicated as we make it.

The messy timeline and low success rate inherent in real estate result in a lot of confusion and self-doubt.

"Am I doing it right? I can't be."
"I haven't closed a deal in weeks...time to change up my game plan."

Don't give up. Get a plan, stay consistent, and keep moving forward.

My brother and I are no longer very active in real estate (we build tools full time now), but at the height of our team we listed 114 properties in one year and did $1M+ in gross commissions.

We attribute 100% of those results to one basic prospecting formula. Here it is:


Get there first + stick around + add occasional nugget of value + gentle nudge to schedule a showing = $$$


That's all you need to do. You don't need to change up your game plan every three months. You don't need to build the perfect funnel or email drip campaign.

Just use that one formula for every. single. lead.

If you do you'll close a high percentage of them.

If you want to get to the lead first and not share your leads with other agents, then you need Pipeline Pro Tools.

This is our flagship product. It's inexpensive (comparatively), it's easy to use, and it just friggin works.

Never gotten better lead gen results in my life than PPT + free classified ads.

I get 70+ leads per month and I'm coasting on autopilot. I can turn up the volume at any point.

Most importantly I get there first.

My brother Levi has been sharing our exact prospecting scripts all week.

You can get them all for free at our free tool (You'll also find other types of scripts from other top coaches in the industry and it's all free.)

Use Levi's scripts to both stick around and add nuggets of value.

The final segment of the formula is the "gentle nudge" to schedule a showing. For many agents, this is where they blow it.

Sticking around is easy. Adding value? It's your middle name. The problem is most of us aren't born closers.

But the gentle nudge doesn't have to be difficult.

Levi showed one way to do it yesterday. His method is deadly effective, but it's also time intensive.

Today I'm going to show you how to fully automate the "gentle nudge" to save you hundreds of phone calls per month.

This is not a replacement for the nudge Levi showed you yesterday. This is just how we automate the process AFTER that call (if the first call fails to result in a showing).

All you need is robocall software. There are plenty of services out there to choose from. But it comes included with our flagship product Pipeline Pro Tools.

The plus is you get unlimited calls and we designed it for agents so it has do-not-call protections built in.

Anyway, once you have robocall software, here's how to deliver a gentle nudge that actually works.

I know what you're thinking. Robocall? I friggin hate those things.

But that's just because the robocalls you get are from politicians asking for money or reminding you to buy healthcare.

What if you got a robocall with alert of something you actually WANTED to know about.

That's the idea with this strategy.

Here's how it works.

Imagine an agent in your office takes a brand new listing. The home is now on the market... but there's a precious window of opportunity -- typically 24-48 hrs -- before the property details and photos go live in the MLS.

You have a jumpstart on this property and therefore so do your customers.

You log in to your crm. Currently I have over 200 unconverted leads. That's what happens when you get 70+ new leads per month.

I fire up my robocaller tool and record a quick "Listing Alert" message following this script (I play around with it to keep each alert fresh).


Hi, this is Chris with FavoriteAgent... I know, I know... everybody hates robocalls. But I have to get this out quickly and I have over 200 active customers to call.

A new property just went on the market but it's not in the MLS yet so most realtors don't even know it's for sale.

[insert a FEW property details]

It's probably not going to be around for very long. My notes tell me it's close to your price range... maybe a little off.

If you want to see it before anyone else, just press 1 and we'll set it up.

If you want us to text you more info on the property press 2.

If you want to unsubscribe from future listing alerts just press 9. 


Once I'm happy with my recording, I press "go" and my robocaller happily calls through all 200+ leads. And it actually calls from MY mobile number so if someone needs to call me back they can.

I know that I could never personally call over 200 leads to deliver this gentle nudge. But with my robocaller tool and the simple Listing Alert strategy I can do it about once a month.

And every time... I get a handful of showings. How simple is that?

This email is already pretty lengthy so I'll leave it at that for today. One more follow up strategy coming soon.

If you've been thinking about Pipeline Pro Tools just pull the trigger already.

You just need to check availability to be sure we're not sold out in your market.

No contracts, cancel anytime you want. In fact if you don't love it I'll refund you and eat the credit card fees. We stand behind the stuff we build, and you'll either love it or it's free.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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