Monday, April 23, 2018

A short story you will love

Hey all,

We appreciate all the feedback we have gotten from our recent FSBO lead strategy. There is nothing that makes us happier than when we can share something that works to help agents grow their business.

Keep sharing those stories and look out for the full strategy on the blog soon.

Our new series will begin soon, but in the meantime I wanted to tell you a story of one of our new agents. I hope it doesn't embarrass him, but it's too good not to share.

He got our Pipeline Pro Tools system on Wednesday evening last week after following our training and strategies for a while.

As the head coach here, I usually like to give our agents a quick call to welcome them and schedule their initial training within the day, but I wasn't able to reach Nick until Friday.

When I did, what he told me left me shocked (in a good way).

Nick had taken the bull by the horns within minutes of signing up and had activated his website and began running ads that very evening.

By the time I reached him to schedule his call training call, he excitedly told me he had already generated 30 leads! (42 as of the time I wrote this)

One of those leads had already set up a showing appointment over the weekend and when we talk this week, I will hopefully have more of his story to share.

It's not shocking at all that our system worked to generate leads and fast. It's not even shocking that he had buyers on the first weekend.

Statistically, most of the leads generated with our system are 40-60 days from showing so this case was not the norm, but it does happen often.

But I was floored at the mindset Nick approached our system with.

The reality is that our tools and strategies are easy to learn.

And what I love about Nick is that he dove right into the deep end determined to learn how to swim along the way.

If we get many more agents like Nick, I may be out of a job!

Want to try to beat Nick's results? Check out our Pipeline Pro Tools.

By the way, we do limit availability locally to make sure you keep your competitive advantage so check to see if we have availability in your market.

All the best,

-Levi Jones

Guerilla Realty
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