Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Yard signs

Hey all,

Yard signs generate the best leads.

No, I don't think that's an overstatement. Think about it...

- You're getting an inbound phone call. That means you didn't have to do anything, and you're not going to get hung up on. They want to talk to YOU.

- This customer is actively driving around looking at homes they might want to buy. That means they've already entered phase 2 of the buying cycle and an offer could be imminent (i.e. you get paid within in days or weeks, not months.)

- It's free. Need I say more?

The problem is, yard sign leads are only a possibility for the lucky agents with active listings.

Some of us don't focus on listings. Or maybe all of our listings sold.

Here's a strategy for generating yard sign leads even when you don't have any active listings.

Let me give you the run down.

1. Make friends with a FSBO you want to sell (you can find them on Zillow).

2. Offer to help them market their home. Ideas that work really well are...

   a. create a listing video with Listing Cake
   b. make them a free single property website, and let them share it all over facebook
   c. let them use your text auto-responder to connect with buyers on zillow

This isn't just empty theory; it works. I've personally tested all of the above and I get no resistance from even the staunchest realtor-hating owners. 

Finally, this brings me to today's topic: Yard Signs.

3. The last strategy is to offer to set up a FSBO sign in their yard that is linked up with your text auto-responder.

Like so...

This helps you collect all the drive-by buyers who want to see inside, but are too shy to call the owner directly.

The FSBO wants to get his house sold and doesn't mind paying a buyers commission, so he's happy to let you plant the sign.

You love yard sign leads, so you keep a few of these signs around for just such an occasion. This one cost about $30 at a local sign store.

Within a week, this FSBO brought us 32 buyer leads (and 17 seller leads).

All you need to get started with this strategy is included in our Pipeline Pro Tools system.

Here's the thing though. We limit availability in each market to maximize your competitive advantage.

Your city might already be sold out (sorry), but it only takes about 10 seconds to check. Here's the link

Good luck. Btw, I'd love to see your results from this strategy. Nothing makes me happier than seeing agents crushing it using our strategies.

Feel free to reply directly to this email. I ready everything and reply to as many as I can.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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