Wednesday, May 9, 2018

3 things all successful agents have in common

Hey all,

There are three things ALL top agents have in common.

Close your eyes and think of the most successful agent (in your opinion) in the entire metro area. Got 'em?

I'll tell you three things that characterize their career...

- Setback
- Failure
- Humiliation

Correct. In fact, the more successful the person... the more failure and humiliation they've experienced.

You might be thinking, "Wait a minute. I've had failures... how come I'm not a mega-success yet?"

And this is where mindset comes in.

As you know, this month we're taking a deep dive into the mindsets make us successful (or unsuccessful).

All successful agents experience setback, failure, and humiliation.

The difference maker is how you interpret those experiences.

We all experience humiliation.

A weak mind interprets the experience as trauma. Whereas a bulletproof mind (the kind you need to succeed in real estate) interprets it as fuel/energy.

Let me show you what I mean.

I still remember first time I ever made a real estate prospecting call.

I bought a new laptop computer, a high quality headset... I even upgrade my internet bandwidth to ensure no dropped calls.

That morning I had a great workout, a nutritious breakfast, and I was brimming with excitement.

I dialed the first phone number. A lead from my website wanting to buy in the $250k range.


They answered.

My hands were shaking. I couldn't believe it. 

"Hi Mr Johnson."


I almost stuttered, but then muscle memory took over and I delivered my script to perfection. Zing!

"This real estate thing is going to be easy," I thought.

And then Mr Johnson cut me off.



How embarrassing. Embarrassment is an instinctive human emotion. It's basically your brain freaking out and telling you not to do that thing anymore.

The next couple of leads I decided to send them a text first. After all, it's basically the same thing, right? No one responded (duh).

The truth is I had a fragile mindset and I was terrified to make another call.

After the initial shock of the experience wore off, I started thinking. A call couldn't go much worse than the first one did. I'm still alive. I'm not hurt. All of this pain and suffering was occurring inside my head.

So I took a walk and came back and started making dials again. Fast forward ten years and tens of million in production, I now approach failure and humiliation different.

Here's the practical takeaway.

Successful people don't shrink from embarrassment and seek to avoid it. Instead they hunt it down and eat it for fuel.

The next "bad" lead you get.

Don't think, "Grrr another crappy lead."

Instead think, "Yum I love humiliation."

Pretty soon you'll build up a tolerance that can withstand any situation. It will make you a better negotiator too. Try it.

All the best,

-Chris Jones


PS. You can get the same tools Nick has and be generating leads today. Two easy steps.

1) Check to see if we have availability in your market

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2) Sign up. 

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