Monday, May 7, 2018

One Simple Trick to Overcome Analysis Paralysis

Hey all,

We have devoted 1 full month to talking about the one factor that has the potential to affect your business the most--mindset.

I'm not generally into motivational posters and RA-RA meetings, but I am very much into the type of thinking that removes obstacles and moves me towards action.

Around here we are into analyzing, training, planning, and numbers in a big way. So much so that we have produced thousands of hours of training videos, blog posts and even some free calculators.

"Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity,
but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." -- Prov 21:5

We want to help agents do less "flying by the seat of their pants" and more intentional business building.

There is a point at which all that analyzing and planning begins to show diminishing returns though. And the proverb illustrates that clearly.

That point is where good planning PREVENTS hard work.

We call it "Analysis Paralysis". And at its root is fear. Fear of getting started. Fear of doing it wrong. Fear of doing our best and failing.

Sometimes, we get so consumed with planning and preparation and getting it "perfect" that we never actually move forward.

Here's the thing. Good planning actually promotes action. It doesn't prevent it.

If you have been following our series we talked about developing a vision, then coming up with achievable goals and ultimately easy steps to reach those goals.

The best way to avoid analysis paralysis and begin to take action is to make a plan and then have laserlike focus on those tasks that you know will lead to reaching your goals.

Take Nick for example.

He purchased our tools last week.

He started with a vision for the perfect real estate practice that included making fewer cold calls to FSBOs and Expireds and talking to more warm leads.

His achievable goal was to replace his former hours of cold calls with a smaller number of calls to warm leads.

The easy steps he found to do that were our strategies for generating leads online.

And he took action.

Within hours of signing up, he had already thrown up some ads and began to follow our online training.

Were his ads perfect? Not at all.

Did he have full knowledge of our system or even read all our training? That's a big nope.

He hadn't even met with one of our coaches yet.

But he had done the planning in his mind and he set aside any tasks that prevented him from getting to his goals.

He didn't spend hours tinkering with his new site or exploring the tools before he felt comfortable doing anything.

He followed our step-by-step guide as best as he could and he started running ads.

Inside of 48 hrs, Nick had already generated 30 leads and shown homes to one of them.

Since then, he talked with our coaches and has refined his ads and even made some adjustments to his website to get even better results.

I love the kind of fearless pursuit of his goals that Nick showed.

What's your current vision?

How can you turn that vision into an achievable goal?

And what easy step can you take toward that goal today?

Feel free to reply to this email. I read every response.

Until next time,

Levi Jones


PS. You can get the same tools Nick has and be generating leads today. Two easy steps.

1) Check to see if we have availability in your market

If we do

2) Sign up. . $99/mo. No setup fee. No contract. 

Guerilla Realty
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