Thursday, May 31, 2018

Market a FSBOs Home for Them

Hey all,

We have gotten to the time of year where FSBOs are getting antsy.

They put their home up for sale on their own at the beginning of spring. Now that their home hasn't sold (statistically 82% of them haven't), they are wondering what to do next.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to step in.

A while back we shared a new strategy we have been using this year to generate leads from FSBOs.

Don't get me wrong, I've never been a fan of hammering the phones cold calling people who have been bombarded by 50 other agents.

But our strategy is so different, it will be the easiest cold-call you will ever make.

The beauty of it is that not only can you generate leads from FSBOs without spending a dime, but you are in the perfect position to seize the opportunity to list the home during this time of year.

You can watch the video here:

There are a few tools you will need.
-Text Auto-responder
-Single Property Website

The first two tools are free, and the other tools are part of our Pipeline Pro Tools system.

You can check it out and demo it here.

It's dirt cheap and there is no risk to try it out.

No contract. 60-day guarantee that it works.

The only thing left is to see if we have availability in your market. We are sold out in some places and you don't want to be the 50th agent to call a FSBO with this new strategy.

All next month we are going to be tackling marketing on Facebook. So stay tuned.

Until next time,

Levi Jones

Guerilla Realty
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