Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Run a Referral-Only Business

Hey all,

Since we have been talking about mindset all month, I'd be negligent if I didn't tell you about Kyle.

I have worked with Kyle for years and I admire his ability to adapt and overcome. We met when he was a relatively new agent and we were a new technology company in 2004.

At the time, he was frustrated with his inability to generate business from his website.

He was advanced for the time already advertising on the latest and greatest pay-per-click venues, but unable to turn all that internet traffic into commission dollars.

So he got our tools which consisted only of a simple contact manager and our lead capture website at the time.

He was able to begin capturing some of that traffic and he soon generated more leads than he knew what to do with by himself.

His business took off and he grew a team that closed 126 deals the first year and 130 deals the second.

Kyle was one of the top producers in his market and life was good.

But a story that spans over 13 years and through the biggest economic downturn in the US since the great depression isn't going to be all sunshine and unicorns, is it?

You might think that the 2008 housing crisis is what changed his ability to generate business.

But you'd be wrong.

The fact is most good agents can generate business when the market is hot. Having good tools and efficient strategies become way more important when the market isn't so great, or when they want to see growth.

Our Pipeline Pro Tools system is the perfect combo of all the tools an agent needs to generate lots of new business and the coaching you need to utilize those tools in the marketplace.

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So that wasn't Kyle's problem.

Kyle kept going until his health issues sidelined him from real estate altogether.

He just couldn't show homes and manage listings anymore.

After a few years of recovery, Kyle was back but his health would continue to be a problem if he did not change the way he did things.

So he adapted.

He reactivated his account in 2015, this time with the intent to run a referral business.

Kyle had learned some things about generating leads. He had learned how to be successful cultivating relationships with online leads. He knew how to build and inspire agents on a team.

So he took what he could do well and he built a team of agents he could refer business to while he grinds away on the phone.

That's the kind of mindset that will always come out on top.

That's a mindset that I can look to for inspiration in my own business. Thanks Kyle.

Until next time,

Levi Jones

PS. When Kyle came back in 2015, he was surprised to see how much our Pro Tools had evolved. Feel free to check them out yourself with a free demo. We believe so much in our system working that not only do we not have a long term contract, but we guarantee it works or we give you your money back.


Guerilla Realty
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