Monday, June 4, 2018

Facebook + real estate

This is a gentle remind that Pipeline Pro Tools is selling out in some markets. If you want to get our lead generation tools, it may be now or never. Here's the link to check availability in your market:

If you'd prefer to book a demo to see how it works, here's the link for that

Hey all,


In all likelihood it was your last stop before you opened this email.

Or it will be your next stop after you archive this email.

Facebook is powerful, no doubt about it.

But can you use it to grow your real estate practice?

The answer is yes and no.

This month we're diving into Facebook.

This series has been much-anticipated all year, so before we dive in I want to tell you how this will work.

Each week we will cover one proven Facebook formula you can use to get more customers.

We'll start with the simplest strategy... and work our way up to the more complicated.

We'll break it all down, so it's easy to understand even if you hate smartphones, computers, and social media.

Here are the strategies we'll be covering:

- Using a personal page VS. business page
- Sphere of influence marketing - share this one simple report to get 5 new buyers
- Quality leads from facebook marketplace
- Paid facebook ads

Facebook marketing is a hot topic in 2018. 

Many feel behind the times if they're not running facebook ads.

But here's what you'd never guess. After extensive testing, Facebook ads is the least effective strategy on the above list. How about that?

The series starts tomorrow. Hope it's useful.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

This is a gentle remind that Pipeline Pro Tools is selling out in some markets. If you want to get our lead generation tools, it may be now or never. Here's the link to check availability in your market:

If you'd prefer to book a demo to see how it works, here's the link for that

Guerilla Realty
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