Wednesday, June 20, 2018

SOI marketing explained in a picture 😹

Hey all,

Here's a funny pic I had to share.

Sphere of influence marketing explained:

We all have one of these guys (or girls) in our office.

Heck, I've BEEN that guy before.

Back when I first got into real estate, I tried EVERYTHING to get more business -- including sphere of influence marketing.

I was doing it exactly the way we are all taught:  Take your database of contacts (your sphere) and divide them by 22 (the number of work days in an average month).

Then, every work day call two or three of them.  The call is basically asking about their FORD (not their car).  F-O-R-D.  Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams.

You call them up and small talk about those four areas for 10-15 minutes and then you get around to the "all important" closing statement that goes something like this:

"Oh, before I go, who do you know who might be thinking about buying or selling real estate right now?"  Hopefully, they give you a lead. Usually they don't.

Then one day at church I saw one of my SOI out of the corner of my eye, but I had not yet made eye contact with him.  

When he saw me, he immediately made a beeline in the opposite direction to avoid having to talk to me.  My heart dropped.  I was mortified.  And I vowed then and there to never again do that phony SOI marketing like I'd been taught.

Somehow I had become "that guy" in the picture -- the guy that people actively avoid talking to because they're afraid I'll hit them up for business.

But does this mean that you should never even ATTEMPT to do business with your sphere of influence?

Heck no. You just have to do it better.

Enter Facebook.

This sets the stage for the strategy I'll share tomorrow.

A practical strategy for attracting your friends, family, and acquaintances to do business with you.

And all you need is a free Facebook account. Look for tomorrow's email.

By the way, Pipeline Pro Tools is now limited based on geographical areas. Make sure and check to see if we have availability in your market.

All the best,

-Chris Jones


Guerilla Realty
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