Sunday, June 23, 2019

[ LIVE WEBINAR on July 2nd @ 2:00 PM PST ] How to Get More Commissions from Your Database

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Upcoming Webinar

How to Get More Commissions from Your Database

July 2nd, 2019 2:00 PM PST | 4:00 PM CST

Register Now to Secure Your Seat and to Get the Replay
Dear Real Estate Clients and Friends -
I'd like to invite you to a LIVE training webinar coming soon on How to Get More Commissions from Your Database. Join me for this 100% educational webinar with guest speaker Frank Klesitz.
Are you struggling to get consistent listings profitably?
Would you like to know how to add 720 new homeowners to your database and know what to send them to earn an extra $50-100k a year (even if no one knows you)?
You are invited to a 100% educational mastermind where you'll learn the four steps to implement the best real estate database marketing plan
1. RECONNECT - How to reconnect with your neglected database
2. BUILD - How to build a database of homeowners who call you
3. TOUCH - The best database marketing touch plan for results
4. CALL - What to say to people in your database when you call

You will see example videos, emails, topics, blog posts, scripts, and more. You'll see real campaigns that are working you can swipe and deploy in your real estate agent marketing today.

You'll also learn how to:
-       Get more listings consistently
-       Be the guest, not the pest
-       Attract business, not chase it
-       Become the local market expert
-       Protect yourself from disruption
-       Build a business that's profitable

If you're looking for a plan to stay in better touch with your #1 business asset - your database of past clients, sphere, COI, and homeowners - you'll get a step-by-step strategy that works on this mastermind.
Register Now to Secure Your Seat and to Get the Replay
See you there!


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