Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My best tool

If you want to grow your real estate business, one of the most powerful tools you can use is the "90-day review".

I do this with my own team every 3 months. We do it in our private group coaching too.

Sounds boring, but here's how it works. The 90-day review is a series of crunchy questions we ask to determine...

- What worked really well?
- And what didn't work at all?

Then we create a braindead simple action plan to double whatever worked, and eliminate the stuff that didn't.

This sounds overly simplistic, but we rinse and repeat over and over. And here's what starts to happen...

You double your results 4x per year. The results are hardly noticeable at first. But 6 months in, your growth looks like a TIDAL WAVE.

Recently my team did the 90-day review on a Pro Tools users named Terry. We didn't even tell Terry that we'd be doing this, so this email will be a surprise to him. (Hey what's up, Terry?)

Terry is a Florida agent. He joined Pro Tools exactly 90 days ago. Look at the breakdown...

90 days of Pro Tools:
- July 3: first lead!
- Sep 10: first pending @ $355K
- Total leads: 219
- Clients: 8-10 deals in the pipeline

Terry generated all 219 leads running 2 simple marketing playbooks -- FB Marketplace and Craigslist -- so we'll recommend he take a step back from the other marketing efforts taking up his time. Both of these playbooks are no cost (score!).

Results so far? $10,600 GCI plus another $80,437 GCI in the pipeline.

The coolest part is Terry told us he struggles with prospecting (like we all do), but he kept plugging away and now he's set up for an amazing fourth quarter this year.

You don't have to be a superstar to close deals like one. All it takes is consistent daily action on your plan.

If you are reading this email, you are probably due for a 90-day review.

But here's a question I get a lot. What if NOTHING you're doing is working all that well? Then I would recommend you demo our Pro Tools system. This is the system my team uses to generate 100+ leads per month, every month like clockwork.

Our demos are not like other software company's, where they talk about boring features for 45 minutes, then hard sell you on their product.

Instead we want the demo to be valuable whether you buy Pro Tools or not. You'll see all the tools, plus a few different strategies you can use to get new business.

Click below to grab a demo. We have 23 demos available for the entire week and when they're gone.. they're gone.

>>> Book a demo <<<

Talk soon!

-Chris Jones

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