Monday, October 21, 2019

Brad Inman On Being the Voice Of Real Estate & Providing Clarity in Uncertain Times

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Today's guest, Brad Inman, has made it his life's work to help agents navigate the waters of real estate.

Inman News is a place many of us turn for valuable insights and information, and Brad's passion for engaging with people is at the basis of the success of the platform. 

On this episode, Brad Inman shares on his journey, what he cares about and how we can go towards the new phases in our industry with confidence. 

Check It Out on iTunes!
In Today's Episode, We Talk About:
  • The importance of changing the industry to create a better consumer experience. 
  •  What Brad wishes all Realtors were aware of, and how to control the erosion of buyer/seller relationships. 
  •  Why Brad operates without calendars and some of the downsides of technology. 
  • Why he advocates for the people that don't have a voice.  
  • The opiate crisis and how it's devastating communities and families.  
  • How to make sense of all the uncertainty in the industry now. 
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Talk to you soon.

- Kevin
P.S.  Would you please do me a big favor and share this episode with someone?  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter?  I would really appreciate that.  if you do share it, tag me so I can see it and say thank you.  

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