Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to get listings from your database 👥

Take your database seriously in 2020

You'll learn from Frank Klesitz exactly how to do it right

Get Your $299 Early Bird Ticket Now

Real estate colleagues –

I'm so excited to reveal our hand-picked speakers for Next Level Agents Live 2020!

(After our success last year with 400+ attendees, we've had a ton of speaker requests. We turned most of them down. You'll see only the most talented, vetted, and experienced people we personally know who will really help you).

I want to officially announce Frank Klesitz, CEO of Vyral Marketing will be speaking at NLA 2020!

Frank started and runs a company of 60+ video editors, writers, designers, and marketing consultants to help you get more business from your database with social media and video.

No - he's not here to sell you anything. You will not get any products or services pitched to you. However, we are paying clients, and do in fact strongly recommend you hire them.

Frank and his team have implemented the marketing for over 1,000+ top agents since 2009. He knows exactly how to build a list of homeowners who want to sell their home and get them to call you.

I worked with him to pick a critical topic we all need to take more seriously.

Frank will first share how to reconnect with your neglected past clients and sphere in your database, and then how to create video topics they want to watch so they call you directly to do business.

We all know there's a lot of disruption taking place. It's the theme of our event.

Doubling down on your database - just like we have - is what we all need to do to stay competitive (among other strategies and tactics you'll learn at NLA Live 2020).

Frank's talk will be 100% actionable. He's going to cover details on the following points…

  1. Exporting contacts from your CRM, Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn and more
  2. Append missing information and clean up emails so you can message them
  3. Create a local community real estate video blog that generates leads
  4. Pick video topics homeowners want to watch that motivates them to call you
  5. Promote your videos with email and social media correctly so you get business

Frank will share plenty of current agent examples, scripts, topics, and more. You can swipe and deploy it all for yourself! You'll see our videos and results, too. (yikes!)

We 100% guarantee you'll leave with a plan to get more sales from your #1 business asset – your database of past clients, sphere, and leads - so you're not dependent on cold calls or buying expensive advertising. 

Please buy your ticket right now. I want you to secure your spot at the lowest possible pricing.

Our "Early Bird" tickets will go fast…the price goes up to $349 by Feb 29th!

I invite you to get your ticket now. You'll see Frank and 20+ of the industry's top experts, leaders, and profitable mega agents at Next Level Agents Live 2020.

Get your "Early Bird" ticket now for only $299.

Your friends, 

Kevin Kauffman / Fred Weaver / Cody Gibson 

P.S. Frank published an excellent landing page and email to generate legitimate seller leads from your database right now. We're sending it out shortly. Our friend Jeff Cook - one of the top agents the USA - generated 21 "come list me" leads from his database for free. That's just incredible. A story like this really shows you the power of what Frank will be talking about. You can see the email and landing page on Frank's blog. Implement it and post your results in our Facebook group.

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