Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Next Level Agents Live 2020 👏

We're Back!


April 23-25 2020 in Scottsdale, AZ 
@ The Talking Stick Resort 

Get Your $299 Early Bird Ticket Now


Dear Real Estate Colleague –  

You're invited to buy your super early bird ticket to our Next Level Agents LIVE event in 2020! 

Get your ticket right now for only $299.

The deadline, before prices go up to $349, is February 29th. 

We also have a room block. You can get your room at this super awesome resort in Scottsdale for only $149 a night. Rooms at this price are extremely limited, so book now.  

No joke – these rooms go for $239+ a night in the spring when everyone is here to golf and take in spring training baseball games. 

Now, I'm sure you're wondering…. 

"Hey Kevin, Fred, and Cody - with all these real estate conferences I'm thinking about committing to in 2020 during this relaxing holiday break, why must I come to this one?" 

That's a great question! 

Zillow, Open Door and all these other Silicon Valley based real estate start-ups have taken 12,000 real estate transactions out of our Phoenix market. Read that sentence again. 

That is a giant sucking sound of commission money leaving agent's pockets. 

Fred and I are running a real estate team right here in the middle of ground zero.  

Everywhere around town we go – from billboards, TV, radio, internet, and more – we see these companies dropping millions of dollars on the unsuspecting public. You'll see it when you're here. 

Fred and I still sold 300 homes last year while being assaulted on all sides by competitors. 

We want you to be able to do the same. But "business as usual" is no more. Most of our business comes from our database of past clients, centers of influence, and a few internet leads – but what's most important are the marketing and business strategies we have in place to compete against these disruptors. 

You will learn every one of these strategies at our event to make 2020 your most profitable year. 

This is the first email you'll receive about NLA LIVE 2020. We really want you to come. 

Just over 400 people joined us last year. We expect to DOUBLE that size this year! Cody, Fred and I put down a signification amount of money to make this the best real estate event you've ever attended. 

Stay tuned for speaker announcements. You'll be impressed with who is coming… 

Our theme for the event is "how to bring your business back to profitability in the face of disruption." 

This way, you can adjust your business approach to earn a great living in real estate - not only this year - but for 3, 5, 10+ years from now too. 

So - join us at ground zero for real estate disruption and learn how to compete! We'll lead the way…. 

Also, say hello in our Next Level Agents Facebook Group and learn all about how to grow your real estate business from productive agents who are doing it every day. 

Get your ticket right now for only $299.

Your friends, 

Kevin Kauffman / Fred Weaver / Cody Gibson 

P.S. A big thank you to Vyral Marketing for helping us promote the event. Frank Klesitz, the CEO, is a speaker. He is presenting "How to Reconnect with Your Neglected Database to Increase Your Listings." We recommend you check them out. We are paying clients of theirs for our real estate business and you should be too. Read Frank's blog and check out what they do for you

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