Friday, December 6, 2019

You tried building a team and it didn’t work…


They wanted a better split

They wanted better leads

They wanted better training

They wanted better systems

We've all been there…and the truth is If we want to get better at anything we have to learn from the people that are better than us...

Everything Changes When You Look Inside The Businesses of The PREMIER Real Estate Teams.

✅ Learn about their mindset.

✅ The specific systems and processes their business operates on catapulting them to the front of the pack.

✅ How they embrace change and competition in the ever-changing industry we're in

Here is a chance to learn from one of those top producing and truly elite business owners….Jeff Cohn

Jeff offered to share his playbook with us…

and His tech partner boomtown made it free of charge for you.

The Essential Guide to Building a Real Estate Business by Jeff Cohn.

If you'd like to have it... visit the group

Look for the post with this same content and you'll see the post that will allow you to download it.  Instead of raising your hand as the post says....

drop a 👻in the thread, and then reply to this email and we'll send it to you directly 

Kevin, Fred, & Cody (KFC =) 


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