Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Pilot Turned Top Producing Realtor Shares His Secret Checklist For New Agents

The other day Nick McLean dropped a value bomb on us and offered to share his onboarding checklist for new agents. 

Anyone who has run a team or even started a team understands:

✅ How frustrating and hard the process of training agents can be.

✅ How time-consuming training new agents is

✅ How much money it can cost to effectively train new agents.

In fact, I've seen so many agents struggle with his portion of team building so bad, they simply decided to stay a solo practitioner for this reason.

Nick has a team with 22 buyer's agents so he knows a thing or two about onboarding and training new agents.

And he's kindly offered to teach us how to implement his checklist in a short 30-40 minute webinar.

In this short, and FREE webinar, you will learn how to implement the Nick McLean Real Estate's on-boarding and buyer agent knowledge checklist. Allowing you to take any agent from zero experience to producing experts in 90 days.

And best of all, they will learn at their own pace without dragging the team leader down.

The webinar will be this Thursday, Jan 2, 2020, at 12:30 PM PST - THATS TOMORROW 




This is what I love most about our community.  This all started with an agent who asked a question because she needed some help.  A few days later, a member is opening up his playbook, free of charge in the name of giving back.  This is what makes NLA special. 



I'd be remiss if I didn't take the chance to remind you to sign up now for NLA Live 2019.  We 100% guarantee you'll leave with a plan to get more sales from your #1 business asset – your database of past clients, sphere, and leads - so you're not dependent on cold calls or buying expensive advertising. 

Please buy your ticket right now. I want you to secure your spot at the lowest possible pricing.

Our "Early Bird" tickets will go fast…the price goes up to $349 by Feb 29th!

I invite you to get your ticket now. You'll learn 20+ of the industry's top experts, leaders, and profitable mega agents at Next Level Agents Live 2020.

Get your "Early Bird" ticket now for only $299.

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