Monday, January 13, 2020


Let's recap...

Last week I taught a series we call Race to 100 Leads.

The goal is to generate 100 quality leads in the month of the January. The premise behind the goad is that ANY problem in ANY business can be solved by 100+ new customers.

So it doesn't matter what your biggest struggle is right now ... if you were to fill your pipeline with 100 legit buyers and sellers, your biggest "struggle" would probably disappear.

Each lesson included the exact step-by-step process you need to try the idea, complete with the list of tools you need, instructions, screenshots, etc. But we don't just want to talk about cool lead gen ideas... the goal is to go out and implement them.

So here's the recap the 5 strategies...

Day 1 - The Fizbonanza
Day 2 - The Yard Dog
Day 3 - The Loaner + The Zuck (2 strategies)
Day 4 - Craigslist Killer

Which one are you going to try first?

Reply to this email and let me know.

Remember, these lessons are not just theory. We run these plays ourselves, and they flat out work.

Full disclosure... We use our lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools during implementation of each strategy.

You don't absolutely NEED Pipeline Pro Tools. Each strategy will work on its own. But Pro Tools will make every lesson 100x easier and more effective when you have it.

If you've considered getting it in the past, now's a great time to revisit the idea.

I'm not asking you to blindly plunk down money. Let's make a deal.

- I'm sending you 5 crunchy lead gen ideas
- You get a 15min demo of Pipeline Pro Tools

There is zero pressure to buy anything. Plus if you book a demo and show up for it we'll GIVE you 1 of our top 3 internal playbooks. The documents our team shares internally to run our lead machine that generates 250+ leads every month.

>>> Book a 15min demo <<<

Sound fair?

If you have any questions, let me know.

If you want to book a demo and get 1 of our marketing playbooks, here's the direct link ->


-Chris Jones

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