Wednesday, January 15, 2020

80/20 analysis

The eighty-twenty rule. Aka as The Pareto Principle. You've probably heard it somewhere.

It states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Quick example... it's January. Most agents consider it an "off month".

Roughly 80% of homes will be sold by the top 20% of agents.

Here's another example. Out of all the activities you do this week to grow your business, only 20% of those activities will produce 80% of your results.

That means only 1/5th of what you do this week will have a measurable impact on your business.

What if you could flip the script?

What if you could take the little blue slice that matters and double it?

And what if you could eliminate the big red portion that's sucking all of your energy?

Instantly you'd grow your business by 60% while cutting your workload in half.

Here's what 60% growth looks like in real life...

Income before vs income after
- $30k => $48k
- $50k => $80k
- $80k => $128k

This is what I do with my real estate team and my software business every quarter.

We track every activity and every result and we clearly identify what's really working and what's just sucking our energy.

We've found that out of the dozen-or-so thing the average agent does each week, only 2 things seem to really matter.

1. Generating fresh contacts/leads
2. Phone follow up

That's it. I'll say it again. Getting leads. And following up with them by phone.

As with most things of course the devil is in the details. What qualifies as a "lead" and how do you generate them?

In our book, a "lead" means a name and phone number of someone you KNOW is buying/selling in the next 105 days.

And we've boiled "getting leads" down to 3 simple marketing playbooks that we run over and over with our software Pipeline Pro Tools. Brings us 5-10 new leads per day!

You could do the same thing.

Or you could be like Matt Mouser. He focused on these 2 simple activities and doubled his business 2 years in a row. Now he is a consistent six figure earner in a slow market where the avg sale price is < $150k.

Or you could be like Adrian F. He focused on these 2 things and he went from ~12 transactions in 2018 to 40+ transactions in 2019.

All you need is a desire to grow, a willingness to take action, and Pipeline Pro Tools.

The question is this. Are you going to be among the blue slice of agents who grows this month? Or the red swath of agents who wastes a lot of energy?

You can start by getting a quick demo. If you book a demo (and show up), we'll give you 1 of our top 3 marketing playbooks to keep free (your choice).

>>> Get a demo <<<

You'll get to see inside the software, exactly how it works, plus 1-2 instances how you could run Pro Tools in your business right away. And it's all free.

Here's the direct link one more time ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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