Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quick share

Happy Wednesday!

Quick share today...

My friend James Hoff builds really cool stuff.

He is an active licensed broker in California and the creator of Lead Drops.

Here's how it works:

1. He drops 1 new lead playbook per month
2. Agents download and execute
3. Result:💰💰💰

Normally this service costs $20/mo. (Absurdly underpriced, to be honest.)

Right now it's free until June 1, 2020.

>>> Get 3 Lead Drops Free <<<

James, that slick sonuvagun, does require a credit card to join.

All you do to get it truly free is set a reminder in your phone to cancel May 31st.

Note: I'm not getting paid to share this. I don't do affiliate stuff. Just sharing cool free stuff.

Here's the direct URL ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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