Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Replay (.mp4)

Yesterday I did a live workshop with my buddy James Hoff on how to build a lead machine in 1 hour.

I walk you through everything -- free tools, scripts, how to execute the whole thing, etc.

Here's the replay link if you missed it...

-> How to Build Your Perfect Lead Gen Machine - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Video includes 1 calculator, copy/paste ads, and 1 free script

As usual I will be taking the workshop down in 48hrs.

Until then, I want to issue you a challenge.

Be an action taker. Watch the video, and implement it TODAY. 80% of agents will sit on the workshop and do nothing, 20% will take action this afternoon. Which group are you going to be in?

At the end of the webinar... I discussed my lead gen software Pipeline Pro Tools. Now you do NOT need Pro Tools to follow the strategy. But it WILL make it 100x easier and more effective.

If you want to check out Pro Tools, you can get a 20-min demo HERE. As I'm writing this email, we have 21 demo slots left for the entire week. They will go quick.

When you book a demo (and show up) we'll give you 1 of our top 3 internal marketing "playbooks" that my team runs to generate 250+ quality leads per month. Yours to keep forever.

Plus, if you book a demo today we'll extend our $200 off deal through the day/time of your demo.

Here's the direct link to book a demo and get the playbook ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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