Saturday, May 16, 2020

Split crunch

The world of company splits is full of dubious numbers and misleading claims.

What they advertise: "We're a 100% company."


The truth:
- $600/mo. desk fees
- $500 per transaction fee
- $40/mo E&O

That adds up to 25% of GCI for the average agent.

Comparing real commission splits between top brokerages in your area is virtually impossible... but if you don't know them 🤷 it could cost you tens of thousands of dollars per year.

That's why today we're launching SplitCrunch.

Click to claim your free lifetime account now.

SplitCrunch cuts through the BS and tells you what all the top companies pay.

Here's how it works:

1. Sign in with your email
2. Answer a 10-second questionnaire
3. Boom! See what your company pays and where it ranks against other companies

-> Try SplitCrunch

Enjoy and let us know what you think :)

-Chris Jones

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