Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Meet Kevin

Do you know Kevin Grullon? Probably not.

For years Kevin worked as a truck driver in central North Carolina where I live.

He was a single dad with kids, bills, responsibilities... aka a real life. But he also had two other things that, if you're reading this email, you probably have too.

Thing #1 - A desire to provide a better life for his family.

Thing #2 - The willingness to take action to achieve #1.

He decided to better his situation by getting his real estate license to make some extra money on the side.

He joined our local team and started using our inbound lead software Pipeline Pro Tools. (Get a demo here.)

I still remember Kevin sitting in on my live Ads Training to learn how to generate leads. He barely paid attention because he was flirting with his now wife Shawn (true story).

But he got the basics down and that month he generated 42 leads on his own using Pipeline Pro Tools.

Now let's stop right there...

Give Kevin a round of applause. To go from 0 leads, no experience, no unfair advantages to generating 42 real estate leads in 1 month is legitimate hard work.

But the real hard work came next. Putting it on autopilot so that he could spend his time helping customers.

So he took our lead playbooks (the same ones I teach in these emails) and implemented them step-by-friggin-step.

He spent ~30 minutes per week checking his ads.

Within three months Kevin had a choice to make.

Should he quit driving his truck and start doing real estate full-time? After all, his income from real estate was now more than his full-time job.

He chose real estate. (Good choice, Kevin.)

That first year he made $351,623 in commissions and the next year he earned $541,298.

Having the ability to generate a never ending supply of leads, and more importantly being able to put it on autopilot, changed his life. Made him rich too.

Since then he married the girl he met in my lead gen training, they bought a huge new house with a swimming pool together, and they now run a huge real estate team in my hometown.

Kevin is awesome.

If you have a desire to better your situation and also a willingness to take action then here's the breakdown of what you need to do...

- Identify your lead number (can be tricky)
- Learn how to run free listing ads (easy)
- Get Pipeline Pro Tools to capture leads (also easy)

That's it. Sounds pretty simple, right? Kevin worked hard for sure...but he worked hard at a simple daily plan that was easy to stick to.

If that sounds good, get a demo. Our demos are GOOD. Here's what we do:

-Find your lead number
-Show you the system,
-Give you 1-2 real marketing ideas of how you could add 5-10 new clients over the next 30 days
-Answer any questions you have

Done! And as a thank you we'll GIVE you the actual lead playbook Kevin used to get to $351k in GCI.

>>> Get a demo + 1 playbook <<<

Normally our marketing playbooks are available only to paying subscribers, but it's yours to download and keep forever.

Here's the direct link ->

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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