Thursday, July 23, 2020

My listing presentation (download)

Want to take more listings?

My first year in real estate, I had a goal to list 50 houses. Haha.

Most readers know this story...

I jumped into real estate and fell flat on my face. I listed a big, fat zero houses that year.

My second year was better. That's when I figured out the basics of the marketing playbooks that I still use today.

My third year was crazy. We listed 114 houses in 12 months.

No condos or builder listings either: It was 115 individual listing presentations and 114 listings signed.

You could say we had our listing process pretty well dialed in.

Today, for the first time ever, I'm going to share my entire listing presentation.

At 12pm I'm doing a free workshop called The Ultimate Listing Presentation

During which I'll let you download my my entire listing presentation script + all my listing calculators.

This is the first time I've ever given this training live!

Thurs, July 23 @ 12:00pm Eastern


Then you can enter your mobile number for an SMS reminder before we go live.

Here's what you'll get out of it...
  • Where to get un-ending supply of seller leads
  • Exact word-for-word script of my listing presentation
  • Creating an evergreen system that brings you listings on auto-pilot

There's a 100-seat max today, so you have to register. If you want the playbooks but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads after it's over.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!

Register Me Now!

See you soon.

-Chris Jones

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