Thursday, July 16, 2020

My listing presentation (replay)

Yesterday, for the first time ever, I shared my listing presentation.

This is the actual presentation that landed us 114 listings in 1 year.

No condos or builder listings. 115 presentations given, 114 listings taken.

I shared everything...

-Where we get seller leads
-How to get the appointment
-The exact word-for-word script that I use at every presentation

Did you miss the live training? No worries, here's the replay:

-> Replay: The Ultimate Listing Presentation (.mp4)

I'll be taking it down in the next 24 hours, so watch it today.

At the end of the webinar, I give you an opportunity to download our internal playbook for quality seller leads.

Normally this is something that you only get with our paid service Pipeline Pro Tools.

But today I want to give it to you when you simply book a demo for Pro Tools.

>>> Get Demo + Lead Playbook <<<

The fact is, if you want to take more listings this year, the #1 thing you need to do is get lead capture software. We'd be honored if you at least considered Pipeline Pro Tools when you do.

And the demos are awesome. You get to speak to one of our marketing coaches who will...

- Walk you through finding your personal lead number
- Show you the system
- Give you 1-2 marketing ideas you can use right away

Then after it's over, we'll give you our Craigslist playbook for capturing listing leads at no cost.

Plus, because we're overbooked at the moment, I'll extend the special webinar deal on Pro Tools through the day and time of you demo.

Here's the direct link to book a demo and get that offer ->


-Chris Jones

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