Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My listing presentation (1-time repl)

When I got into real estate, I knew I wanted to be a listing agent.

My dad drilled it into me from a young age...

"Son, would you rather sell the cars or own the car lot?"

I also realized early on, listings are easier to scale.

If I have 10 listings, they can all show on Saturday.

If I have 10 buyers, I can NEVER do showings with them all on the same day.

So I knew I wanted to be a listing agent, and my dream was to take 1 listing per week.

Veteran agents rolled their eyes at me. "Who is this rookie?"

But I had the 2 things that matter most...

1. A desire to succeed
2. Willingness to take action

I spent that year getting my system dialed in. All great sales engines follow the same format, and taking listings is no different.

A. Consistent lead source - You need a playbook that creates new opportunities for you daily. You need to create enough opportunities so that even if you blow it, you still have more opportunities.

B. A process for booking appointments - You need a simple repeatable process for turning leads into booked appointments.

C. A sales script that closes - You need a script that gets you a signed listing agreement >50% of the time.

It took about 6 months to get my system dialed in.

The next calendar year, I blew the doors off my goal.

My brother and I averaged 2 listings per week.

(We ended at 114 signed listings.)

Yesterday, on a live webinar, I shared my entire listing process from start to finish.

A. Lead playbook
B. How to book the appt
C. Sales script

Plus I let you download all the calculators I use when taking a listing.

The replay of that webinar will be available for 24 hours only. If you want to watch it, don't mess around.

Click here to watch the full replay (.mp4) <<<
(Link expires in 24 hours)

At the end of the webinar, I made a pretty cool offer: Download my top lead playbook for generating listing leads.

Normally, our lead playbooks are only available to agents who buy Pro Tools, our marketing engine product.

But this week I'm offering a free download, yours to keep forever.

All you have to do is book a demo for Pipeline Pro Tools. After it's over the download is all yours.

Click to book a demo + get the playbook <<<

The demos are even better than my webinar, no exaggeration. We'd be honored if you checked out Pro Tools.


-Chris Jonesay

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