Wednesday, October 6, 2021

New Accelerated Method for Getting New Listings (Live Encore)

Quick share today...

This is going to knock your socks off!

A month ago we did a live training with my fiend Andrey on a new method for getting listings and our subscribers absolutely raved about it.

This Thursday at 3:00 PM Eastern we're doing it again. (With updated content!)

It's an innovative marketing method that generates listing leads DAILY.

I'm not often impressed by new marketing ideas, but the minute Andrey showed it to me, my eyes lit up.

I HAD to try it out right away.

And it works.

  • Regardless of your budget
  • Regardless of your market
  • Regardless of your competition

It's called MicroFarming.

And you can now learn how to use it in a brand new free webinar with Andrey.

New Webinar: Microfarming

It has NOTHING to do with any new software, whizbang sales funnel model, or the latest marketing fad.

And it's TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the listing methods other "gurus" teach.

Click Here To Register

See you Thursday at 3:00 PM Eastern.


-Chris Jones

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