Thursday, October 7, 2021

Live Training: How You Can Add $350K GCI in 12 Months

If you want to see a step-by-step methodology for adding $350,000 in GCI to your top line within 12 months then today's live training is for you…

This is the same training we did with my friend Andrey about a month ago, but with updated content now.

So if you missed the first live training, this is your second chance to attend.

Click here to save your spot: Yes, Save My Spot

This is a new accelerated method for getting listings any agent can use… and it can set you up to get more business in 12 months than most agents in three years.

During this training you'll learn how to:

  • Get 36-42 listings using a strategy called "micro-farming"
  • Do this WITHOUT buying ton of leads that end up being worthless
  • Which tech tools you need to make this happen (and delete everything else)
  • The ONE best way to get in front of real sellers right now (and ironically it's cheap)
  • What kind offers to make sellers that get them to actually call you and engage

This training will blow your socks off!

If you're serious about getting more listings, then this is for you.

It's today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific…

Save Your Seat Here

See you later today.

-Chris Jones

PS - This is a very in-depth, no hype training. Plan on about 2-3 hours.

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