Tuesday, January 4, 2022

2x your real estate business

What's your goal for 2022?

How would you like to double your real estate business?

Imagine 2x what you did in 2021.

  • 2x transactions
  • 2x listings
  • 2x GCI

Sounds impossible, right? It's not!

We doubled our business in 2016 and 2020, and we'll do it again this year.

What surprised me is it didn't take years or even months to 2x our business. It all happened in about 1 week.

Each time, we used 1 specific tool + a simple process.

Today I'm going to live to share both with you :)

Tuesday Jan 4 @ 12:00PM Eastern
Webinar: How 2x Your Real Estate Business with Reverse Engineering

Space is limited to a tiny 250-seat max today, so you'll need to register.

Here's what you get for attending:

  • 2022 business calculator (download)
  • My top lead playbook for 2021-2022
  • 24hr replay access


If I was in your shoes, this email would break the needle on my BS-meter.

"C'mon, Chris... DOUBLE my business? That's a stretch."

"Heck, I'd be okay with an extra 3-4 transactions."

If that's you, I want to challenge you to think bigger.

You can add an extra 3 transactions by doing exactly what you did last year, but working a little harder.

However, to DOUBLE your business, you need a system.

When you put that system in place, you won't just 2x your income (which is great).

You'll also increase your stability and consistency, and reduce your stress.

This is my first webinar of 2022 and I am PUMPED.

Register me now!

See you there,

-Chris Jones

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