Monday, January 3, 2022

Quit Trying Harder (how to get a Listing Breakthrough)

In the last couple weeks of 2021 I started writing down my biggest lessons in real estate over the past 13 years.

Here's one of them:

Quit trying harder.

Now this sounds like blasphemy at first, right?

You work hard.
Get good results.
You don't work hard.
Get no results.

That's the formula, right?


Let's dig in a bit:

Breakthroughs demand new patterns of thought and action.

If you just keep doing what you've been doing, the odds are you'll keep on getting what you're getting now.

So if you try to create a breakthrough by "trying harder", you might make some small gains... but you're not going to get a breakthrough.

Most of us are programmed to believe this:

To achieve more you must put in greater effort.

When we're stuck we rely on trying harder to get unstuck.
But "more of the same" doesn't translate to breakthrough.

(Instead it sinks our tires deeper into the mud)

In fact, "more of the same" is a trap.

The simple logic of this is appealing.
"Just try harder!"
Especially when we're under stress.
But we can't fall for it.

Persistence holds little weight in the breakthrough process.

We have been taught, since childhood, that persistence is a virtue...right?

But that's just part of it.

Indiscriminate persistence can be a curse, causing us to waste time and energy on something that will never work.

This is how our solutions become a major part of our problem.

And this is precisely what I see so many agents being trapped by.

In some life circumstances, selective persistence, let's call this "staying power" or "grit" or "stick-to-it-iveness", is very important.

But not in the beginning of an endeavor.
Because on the front-end you're actually supposed to change gears instead of blindly doing the same old things with more determination.

(Like a race car accelerating from the starting line ... it's about changing gears to gain speed and momentum... not pressing harder on the accelerator while stuck in 1st gear)

Harder is not necessarily (or automatically) better.

Your level of effort is not as important as much as the kind of effort.

Said differently:

What you do is more important than how hard you do it.

So the key is this:

Look for radically different approaches that would be easier... perhaps almost effortless.

And what I teach inside Listing Academy is exactly that...

... radically different.

If you're ready to:

  • Add $350K GCI in the next 12 months
  • Get steady new listings, consistently and predictably
  • Take your business to the next level and have your best year ever

... then click on the link below and check out the short introduction video for Listing Academy.

And if you've not yet heard of my Microfarming Method (one of my three core methods), there's a 27 Minute Listing Crash Course video on the same page...

Click HERE To See a Radically Different Way of Getting Listings

In the short video I share how I literally guarantee an outcome for you.

Let's make 2022 the best year in your business!





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