Monday, January 31, 2022

Here's what you missed (this will help with listings)

Hey, it's Andrey here...

If you're not a part of Listing Academy yet, here is what you missed on our first Monday Momentum Call this morning...

During this short 20 minute call, I share...

  • The 2 forces you MUST harness as a solo-preneur in order to create financial and business breakthrough
  • The impossibility of "showing up every day for 2 years" when you have life and challenges popping up all the time... BUT also how we HACK this inside Listing Academy and still accomplish it WITHOUT actually needing to show up daily
  • How we're in a "perfect storm opportunity" right now because of technology forces and low budget pricing

Click HERE To Watch This Replay

... AND, if you've not yet joined Listing Academy, I'll ask you to watch this second replay video below that will show you one of our core frameworks that makes what I share above possible...

... and I'll share what you get when you join Listing Academy.

Yes, Show Me Your Core Listing Framework

You're just a few key moves away from making 2022 the best year in your business...

... and I'm willing to guarantee a listing outcome (watch replay #2 to see the details).

To your success...





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