Friday, January 28, 2022

Live ENCORE TODAY at 3pm EST (27-Minute Listing Crash Course)

Hey, it's Andrey here...

Today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific I'm hosting a LIVE ENCORE of the workshop we did yesterday.

We had a packed house - so if you weren't able to get on yesterday, here's your chance today.

I'll be covering my core MicroFarming Method, but condensed down into 27 minutes (or less).

(It's usually a 2.5 - 3 hour training!)

This'll be just the essentials of the MicroFarming Method. so you can go apply it right away.

The MicroFarming Method shows us how ANY agent can add $250k to $350k in GCI in 12 to 18 months...

... regardless of budget ... regardless of market ... regardless of experience.

If you want more steady listings - and would like to add $250K to $350K in the next 12 months - then this training will give you a proven, predictable framework you can start following immediately.

This no-fluff listing workshop starts at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific today.

Here is the link to reserve your free seat:

My GoToWebinar account has only 200 seats on it... so showing up 10 minutes early isn't a bad idea if you want to make sure you get a spot today.

See you at 3pm eastern today :-)


PS - I will be doing live Q&A after the training is over to make sure things are clear on how to apply the MicroFarming Method into your business for getting listings.




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