Thursday, February 24, 2022

STARTING NOW; Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (listings only)

We're going live RIGHT NOW today's LIVE WORKSHOP….

"Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (Listings Only)"

I'm on live right now here:

If you're serious about getting new listings, then this training will blow your socks off!

It's unlike anything else being taught in our industry right now.

Join now while spots are available… (750+ agents have registered for today's workshop)....


PS - I wanted to take a moment and share with you what has been one of my biggest "unfair advantages" over other agents.

(And a big part of what drives the training I'm openly sharing with you today).

99.999999% of agents will never have the opportunity to do this:

Most agents will never get to see the behind-the-scenes listing playbooks of dozens 6-figure and 7-figure agents.

But because I'm the organizer and host of the Get Listings Summit I can.

And I have.

And I benefit from it immensely.

Because not only do I get to see a few good listing playbooks.

But I've gained privy to nearly 100 listing playbooks, including:

  • Amanda Howard... 700+ deals a year.
  • Chris Suarez... 225+ deals a year.
  • Lisa Archer... 200+ deals a year.
  • Kevin Kauffman... 400+ deals a year.
  • Amy Kite... 400+ deals a year.
  • Keri Shull... 300+ deals a year.
  • Chris Speicher... 200+ deals a year.
  • Scott Trembley... 300+ deals a year.
  • Rick Carruth... 100+ deals a year.
  • Chris Watters... 200+ deals a year.
  • Jeff Glover... 1000+ (yes one thousand) deals a year.
  • Jeff Cohn... 700+ deals a year.

And the list, truly, goes on...

And that is a massive advantage in of itself.

But here is where it gets a little "unfair":

Because I sees the listing playbooks of ALL these agents...

I am in a unique position to connect the dots between the common denominators across all their playbooks.

Which sets me up to create "All-Market" listing playbooks.

In other words, listing playbooks that work in any market.

And that is exactly what I've done with my core methods.

I've cross-pollinated between all their playbooks.

To create "works for any agent, in any market, on any budget" methods.

The MicroFarming Method is one of his Top 3 methods that I've synthesized from this incredible unfair advantage I have..

And I'm giving it away, at no cost, to YOU...

Click the button below now to join the workshop so you don't miss this training:

It's radically different from anything you've heard before.

And I guarantee it'll blow your socks off!

Let me know what stands out to you the most...

Enjoy :-)




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