Thursday, March 24, 2022

Facebook vs Google = BIG OPPORTUNITY for Agents

Cool share from my friend Andrey today...

Facebook and Google.

They're locked in mortal combat right now.

Two giants slugging it out.

Over advertising dollars.

The money you and I are willing to spend.

On getting more listings.

They want it. Badly.

And this has opened a window of MASSIVE opportunity for agents.

Here's why:

As you know everything online is heading towards video.

Facebook and Google are trying to get more businesses to advertise with video.

So right now they are making video marketing opportunities "dirt cheap".

And agents can make a small fortune off of this.

Remember when Google Adwords first started?

They were dirt cheap.

Leads were easy to get.

Early movers made fortunes.

Remember when Facebook first started ads?

They were dirt cheap.

Leads were easy to get.

Early movers made fortunes there too.

Same thing is happening again.


And if you know *HOW* to take advantage of it,

You could make a fortune as well…

By getting reach in your local market,

Using video based marketing

At a cost that we haven't seen in LOOONG time.

All because "King Kong and Godzilla" are duking it out.

And want every dollar they can get.

Today at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific on my friend Andrey is doing a LIVE WORKSHOP where he will walk you thru a simple (yet powerful) 5-step system that will show you how to capture this opportunity.

Click HERE To Save Your Seat

Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Because we're seeing agents make this work for as little $1-$5 a day.

So if you've got $500 a month (or more to spend)

You could get some incredible leverage right now.

-Chris Jones

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