Thursday, May 5, 2022

$100K Commissions in the next 90 days (for real estate agents)

Good morning...

Andrey here.

Today is May 5th.

The beginning of the month.

Here's why this is important:

May and June are two quietly critical months in an agent's business.


Well you know how everyone talks about "Feb & March" as listing season for the new year? So we say "gotta get things going in January" is really important so you can catch that Feb & March wave.

Well, if you go look at the data in your MLS for your market, I bet you'll find something interesting:

That during June, July, and August - a BIG chunk of the overall volume in your market happens.


Summer months.
Kids out of school.
Easier to sell the house and move.

So while a lot of agents plan their summer vacations and so forth…
Summer time is also the time to, well, "make hay while the sun shines".

Go check your MLS data.
See for yourself.

And if in your market (like in most markets) you learn there is a surge of business in the summer months, then that means this:

Right now… May and early June are critical months to "get things going" so you can capture the volume just around the corner.

(Memorial Day is in 25 days… where does the time fly?!....)

If you make a few good moves… in the next 90 days you can reasonably add $100K to your commission pipeline.

Also, because it's only May 5th, it's not too late to catch the wave just around the corner in your market.

Today at 3pm ET / 12pm PT I'm teaching a LIVE WORKSHOP that will give you a step-by-step game plan for how you can add $100K in commissions the next 90 days to your pipeline…

… Focusing on listings only.

And this approach can also put you on track to earning $350K GCI per year as your baseline... focusing again, on listings only.

>>> TAP HERE to save your seat for today's workshop <<<

See you later today.





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