Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A crunchy plan to take 5 listings next month (live replay)

Pre-S - If you are patiently waiting for to get a demo of Pipeline Pro Tools + 1 free playbook, good news. We just added 13 new demo slots for this week. Click here to grab a slot. They'll be gone soon.

Now onto the email...

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled Cereal & Milk Listings.

In it, I shared a crunchy plan for taking 5 listings next month.

💻 Cereal & Milk Listings (Live Encore)

I've shared parts of my listing system before. You might even be familiar with it.

1. Get buyer leads
2. 55% will be selling their current home
3. Bribe them with "Bulletproof CMA"
4. Book the listing appointment
5. Close the deal & sign the listing

I've discovered that most agents can do steps 1-3.

Where they struggle is steps 4 & 5.

So that's what I'm going to help with today :)

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

It's available for 24 hours only. No fast forward or rewind, sorry.

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

This link expires soon, but until then you're free to share it with friends, colleagues, broker, whoever...


-Chris Jones

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