Thursday, October 27, 2022

Get a listing appointment within 72 hours...

Cool share from a friend...

Later today my buddy Andrey is teaching a BRAND NEW live workshop.

ELF: Easy Listing Funnels - Never Go Another Week Without A Listing Appointment

Thursday, Oct 27 @ 3:00 PM Eastern

Andrey has taken the phrase "ELF" made popular by Joe Polish and has applied it to getting listings for real estate agents.

Hence, ELF: Easy Listing Funnels.

In this live webinar, Andrey is going to show us the following:

  • A simple 2-step "Easy Listing Funnel" (ELF) to send to your EXISTING contacts right away that can get you a listing appointment within 72 hours
  • How to rinse and repeat the same funnel on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube
  • The exact what-to-say and how-to-say-it to get homeowners to contact you
  • How you can setup an "ELF" for $3-10 a day
  • The framework to follow that will ensure you never go another week without a listing appointment

This live class will take about 2 hours because of all the content Andrey is covering.

It's worth every minute so you can setup and run your own "ELFs".

He goes live today at 3:00 PM Eastern…

​Click here to register your seat.​

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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