Tuesday, December 20, 2022

X Forecast Tool (replay + cheat sheet)

Earlier today, I unveiled a brand new real estate tool.

"The X Forecast Tool"

In it, I shared a simple tool we use to forecast our market and passively collect seller leads.

💻 The X Forecast Tool (Live Encore)

This beautiful little tool is so simple, but it's blowing my mind what it can do.

Here's what I've seen it do so far...

Function #1 - It tells you what's actually happening in your market.

Not what others say... the actual numbers. Hint: The "experts" are usually wrong.

Function #2 - It literally COLLECTS hot seller leads for you.

Like fly paper. Like 1-2 hot CMA requests every time you use it.

And like everything else we share... it's free.

Here's how it works:

  • You plug in 5 key stats from your MLS
  • The X Forecast tool works its magic
  • Download your market forecast
  • Upload it to FB and get 2-3 listing appointments

Boom! You have a new playbook for getting seller leads in 2023.

And all you need is the playbook and the X Forecast Tool.

Today you can download both.

Want to grab the replay and the downloads?

Click here to get the live replay (.mp4)

Click here to get ONLY the cheat sheet (.pdf)


-Chris Jones

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