Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The best way to take listings in June 2023

Want to see the most effective way to take listings right now?

Our team is always testing 4-5 marketing ideas. We track the results and publish the winners as a playbook.

This month, we discovered a "super" playbook. A marketing idea that beats every other strategy by 4x or more.

I call it Zillow Hacking.

We are averaging 1 new listing per week from this strategy, which makes it by far the best way to get listings this summer.

There are a few steps to this process, and you'll need a few tools to pull it off.

So I'm teaching it in a free webinar later today.

I'll show you the entire process and give you the tools for free -- no strings attached.

Register: Zillow Hack to Get Listings
Tuesday, June 27 @ 12:00pm Eastern

You can learn everything in 1 hour during the webinar, execute it today, and book 1 new listing appointment within 24 hours.

That's what my friend Martin did. I'll share his story during the webinar.

As always, there's only 250 seats and they'll go fast. You can 1-click register to save your seat below.


Here's what you'll get for registering:

⚡️ Zillow hack playbook
⚡️ Free access to all apps
⚡️ Replay access for 48 hours

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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