Today I had what might be one of my biggest breakthroughs today during a coaching call with one of my mentors.
(That's the power of good coaching).
He asked the following question:
"Andrey, what's the hardest part financially about getting steady new listings for real estate agents?"
I thought about...
Answer: "how long it takes to get listings and sell them after you sink all the money into the marketing and leads - it can be a loooong time".
So the next question is:
"How can I solve that for agents?"
Change the terms of my Done-For-You program to align with agent's biggest financial challenge.
So after speaking with my mentor - and then having a lengthy Zoom meeting with my team - here's the solution:
I'm now making my $5,000 up-front Done-For-You program available for just $1,000 up-front...
... and you don't pay the other $4,000 until you close 4 listings.
(CLOSED listings - meaning you cashed the commission check!).
No closed listings from our marketing, no payments to us. You don't owe us a dime.
So the $1,000 up-front from you is gonna cover the cost of paying my team.
And I'm completely aligned with you on how you get paid - I only get paid when you get paid.
We're still figuring out how many spots we can make available on these new terms.
I'll let you know soon (probably tomorrow!)
Meanwhile, if you want to be "first in line" for this as soon as we open the doors to it...
Hit REPLY and let me know you want this.
PLEASE: Do not email me unless you're serious and you can swing the $1,000 no problem, okay?
This will be first come, first served.
Hit reply to this email and let me know as quickly as you can so you can get your spot in line.
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