I already know what you are thinking.... I thought the exact same thing HTF did this guy get 39% response on those realtor dot com leads. He basically just dumped them in the system and hit start! I feel like I see this all the time with agents. Most don't get a response rate at all because they never do the work to actually contact the lead! That is why we created this CRM with the campaigns already pre-loaded that work! All you do is, load in your database... start... and wait for people in your database to raise their hand so that you can set an appointment with them. Here are more testimonials from our testing. https://m.facebook.com/groups/RealEstateAgentsthatREALLYwork/permalink/2022400454762143/?mibextid=Nif5oz but if you have already seen what you need to see and want to sign up now... here is the link https://www.skool.com/fubots-follow-up-automated-crm-3106?invite=e75778eabaee476ebedbdecb466a2d6a
Just create an account and sign up.... let me know if you have any issues If you have more questions let me know.... Jason Morris Real Estate Agents that REALLY work |
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