Tuesday, November 14, 2023

FB Marketplace vs Zillow

My team and I have published 26 real estate marketing playbooks.

These are step-by-step formulas you can use to get buyer/seller clients across North America.

Naturally, I get asked all the time.

Which playbook is your favorite, Chris??

Up until this year, my answer was always the same: Zillowjacking.

(It's a playbook to siphon free leads from Zillow. Still works great btw.)

But recently, I've changed my mind.

If I could only run 1 playbook to grow my real estate business, it would be...

"The Facebook Marketplace Playbook"

This is for a number of reasons:

  • I'm getting the most ready/able clients EVER
  • I'm spending absolutely $0.00
  • It only takes 15min per day
  • I can turn it on/off at will
  • And I can scale it up to build a team

I'm teaching the whole playbook in a free webinar later today.

Webinar: The Facebook Marketplace Playbook
Tuesday, Nov 14 @ 12:00PM Eastern

I'm holding nothing back in this webinar.

Here's what you'll get for attending:

  • My copy/paste FB Marketplace ad template
  • When/where/how to post it
  • My FB Messenger Auto-Reply
  • 48hr replay access

You can use this copy/paste ad and process to bring in 5+ clients in the next 30 days.

I've taught this training 2x this year, and each time students reported incredible results. (I'll share a few stories on the air today.)

This is a live webinar, not a recording.

And there's only 250 seats, so you have to register.


Hope to see you there.

-Chris Jones

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