Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Double Your Listing Business in December (please read)

I'm looking for 30 serious real estate agents who are ready to double your listings for 2024 in the next 30 days.


Take a minute - is this you?

  • You're ready to add at least 3 listings in the next 30 days
  • You want to take advantage of unlimited 1:1 coaching and accountability - while my team and I do most of the work DONE-FOR-YOU and you just record videos for us using my video scripts (I provide them to you)
  • You've seen AT LEAST one success story from our clients (like Mark Sampson who hit 8 listings in less than 90 days!)

Click Here To See More Listing Success Stories

If that's not you…

... please ignore this email and don't reply.

For context, I turn down over 30% of real estate agents if we don't think they're ready.

And check this out.

The case study with Mark is mind-blowing.

Here's what happened:

  • We ran a few of my video campaigns to his database and SOI
  • He made the important decision to do it exactly how I coach it, step-by-step
  • He got 15 listing appointments booked from this campaign…
  • 8 of those listing appointments confirmed the day before (he didn't want to drive to any houses that didn't confirm the day before) and 7 of the 8 signed listing agreements (the 8th signed a couple weeks later)
  • and he added $270K GCI in just under 11 weeks (his average listing price was $1.5 million)

If that doesn't sound horrible, book a call ASAP.

Just hit REPLY to this email and let me know you're ready to add new listings quickly.

Normally our Done-For-You program is $7,200

But right now we've created a "lean version" for our Double In December offer and it's available for just $2,997 so you can get our done-for-you help...

... PLUS, if you qualify, we have financing available.

So you can literally buy now and pay later.

Meaning you can enroll today and don't pay a single penny for the first 30 days.

There are only 30 spots available for the "Double In December" offer.

Let's get listings,

P.S. To make this absolutely risk-free, this comes with a 30-day money back guarantee (if you're not happy with our progress in the first 30 days, you can cancel and get a full refund)

P.P.S. After your first 3 listings, you'll be qualified to enroll in our revenue share partnership program (at no additional cost) and we'll work with you to add $300,000 to your income in 2024 on a revenue share basis!

Click Here for More Details




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