Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Get listings with email marketing

Cool share today...

Did you know that an average of 5% of the contacts you have in your CRM will move this year?

Think about how many people that you know that will sell their home this year…but will they sell with you?

If you don't have a relationship with them, the answer is NO.


Most agents are buying leads or paying for lead gen.

But remember, the only reason to buy leads is to get DATA (names, numbers, and emails).

So agents are paying third-party companies like:

  • Zillow
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Etc.

Meanwhile, they're ignoring the leads they already have. (Ie people you already know.)

My buddy Grant Wise says email marketing is the single best to make sure the people in your database choose YOU.

Yet very few people spend time marketing to their database AT ALL.

Grant meets with teams every week that have hundreds of DEALS, not just leads, sitting in the CRM that nobody knows how to take advantage of.

I asked him to teach his "email secrets" in a live webinar.

So tomorrow, we're making it happen.

Webinar: Email Secrets from Grant Wise
Thursday, April 18 at 12:00PM Eastern

Grant is going to show you:

  • Who to send the emails to even if your CRM is a mess
  • How to keep your email list engaged without even talking about real estate
  • What your emails should say to get sellers requesting to meet with you

If you want to get some new listings (THIS WEEK!) don't miss this training.

Click here to register for the training

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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