Thursday, April 18, 2024

100 CMA requests from 2 emails

Really excited about today's share...

Most agents woke up today wondering how they're gonna get more leads.

Maybe cold call some FSBOs. Maybe post some classified ads. Maybe optimize their Google My Business listing.

All those things will work.

But do you ever think about the "invisible" leads you already have?

I'm talking about your natural database. People you know.

Everyone has a database, whether it's 100 people or 5,000.

My friend Grant Wise has mastered the art of getting clients from a database, with nothing but email.

Recently, one team leader used Grant's email secrets and got 100 CMA requests by sending 2 emails to his database. 🤯

Want to find out how many clients you could get from your database today?

I asked Grant agreed to share his "Email Secrets" in a free webinar later today.

Webinar: Email Secrets from Grant Wise
Thursday, April 18 at 12:00PM Eastern

Grant is going to show you:

  • Who to send the emails to even if your CRM is a mess
  • How to keep your email list engaged without even talking about real estate
  • What your emails should say to get sellers requesting to meet with you

If you want to get some new listings (THIS WEEK!) don't miss this training.

Click here to register for the training

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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