Friday, May 17, 2024

Double Your Database Results for Listings (video link inside)

Ever since I sent out the email offering a brand new video tutorial called "Double Your Database Results (for signed listings)" ...

My inbox has been getting flooded with daily emails from agents asking for it:

So I'm just going to give the link here in this email to make life a little easier for me (and to make sure everyone who wants to watch this new tutorial gets a chance too!)

Click HERE To Watch The Double Your Database Results Tutorial

This is BRAND NEW, and if you want more listings you're gonna love it.

BTW - there's a really special offer for the first 10 agents who want it... so be sure to watch it as quickly as you can :-)


PS - If you missed the previous email about this, here's the email I sent out about it earlier:


How do you double the results of your database without getting more leads and subscribers?

Physically it's impossible.

But metaphorically it's a 100% possible.

Because you can double the results you get from that same database.

So if your database is producing X and it starts to produce 2X, even if the database is the same size you get the net effect of having doubled it.

So how do you do it?

Well you must understand what it is for.

So when it comes to email, the most common mistake I see agents make all the time is trying to sell in the email and get the prospect to engage with us directly.

Email is not for "selling".

Email has only one job:

To get the click.

"Get a click to what or where?" you might ask...

Well there are only 3 types of emails an agent should ever send.

And I just recorded a simple video tutorial that will show you

  1. The only 3 types of emails an agent should be sending (if you want to double your database results without doubling the size of your database)
  2. How to turn emails into phone calls with real home owners actually looking to sell
  3. A database strategy that can 3x, 4x, or even 5x your lead conversion results (I've seen this start working within 3-5 days...)
  4. The 3 most common (and costly) mistakes I see agents make with their databases (which is why you get little to no engagement)

If you'd like to watch this free video tutorial, hit REPLY to this email and let me know.

I'll email you the link to the video.

Here's the link to the video: Double Your Database Results (for signed listings)

Let's Get Listings :-)




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