Monday, June 17, 2024

How I secure buyers' agency

I'm going to share a free download of the #1 most important app I use in my real estate business.

(And it's one of the main reasons why me and my buyers agents are not worried about the settlement news.)

It's called "Bulletproof CMA".

Right now, there are a lot of coaches and gurus out there who want to scare the bejeezus out of you.

"Buyers agents are going away."

"Zillow is replacing you with hourly consult fees."

"Sellers are already cutting commissions."

☝️ That's all a bunch of horsecrap.

In fact, very little will change for most agents.

Especially if you're using this free app.

Here's how it works...

I use this app to get airtight values on any property in <15min.

I use it to snare 8 listing appointments per month, like clockwork.

AND I use it before submitting ANY offer for my buyers (and because of this, they would never consider buying a house without me).

Last month, we set 8 listing appointments with this playbook.

And we secured agency agreements with every one of our buyer prospects.

You can duplicate my process anywhere in North America.

The best part is it's completely organic, so it doesn't cost a penny.

All you need is the app, the playbook, and ~1hrs to execute.

Later today, I'm sharing my whole process in a free webinar.

Webinar: The Bulletproof CMA
Tuesday, June 18 @ 12:00PM Eastern

You don't have to be a math geek or an experienced listing agent to learn this.

During the webinar, I'm giving away everything you need to get started.

  • The Bulletproof CMA app
  • My complete playbook download
  • And all my call scripts

All free. Yours to download and keep forever.

Just register and show up.


This will be a live webinar with me. I don't do canned, prerecorded events.

There's only 250 seats for this event, because I know many of you will have questions.

Please register or you'll miss out.

See you there,

-Chris Jones

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