Monday, December 2, 2024

New demo slots

Hey ,

This email is only going out to ~6% of our email subscribers and contains a priority link that will skip you to the head of the line.

Last week, after our Black Friday webinar, we ran out of Pipeline Pro Tools demos in less than 6 minutes.

I got dozens of emails from dozens of you who weren't able to secure a slot.

So if you missed out, and therefore missed out on our mega black friday deal, then good news... we just added new slots... there's even a few slots for today.

Here's the secret priority link:

Click to get demo + free playbook <<<

When you book a demo, we will automatically extend our Black Friday deal (which has already expired) thru the day/time of your demo.

A few rules:

  • When you book a time, show up.
  • If you're already a ProTools member, don't book
  • If you've had a demo recently, don't book
  • After your demo, we'll send you the playbook download (whether you buy or not)

Then you can use the playbook to start getting more clients regardless of whether you buy Pro Tools.

Don't wait, because these new slots will go quick.


-Chris Jones

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