Tuesday, March 11, 2025

How to get seller leads for $0.00

I recently asked a room of 250 agents how many listings would they take if they got 10 new CMA requests per month?

Some said only 2, others said 5, others somewhere between 6-9. One agent even said 10 listings!

Interesting fact: Not one agent said zero.

So if I could help you get 10 CMA requests in March, it would stand to reason you would take multiple listings this month, right?

Well I have a playbook that brings you eleven CMA requests per month.

Total cost? $0.00.

It's simple:

  • Run copy/paste classified ad (free)
  • Get 80 buyer leads
  • 46% are selling
  • Offer my "irresistible bribe"

Boom! 11 CMA requests per month.

But it all starts with the copy/paste ad.

Want a copy? I'm sharing it in a live webinar later today called Limitless Listing Leads.

Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads (Copy/Paste Ad)
Tues, March 11 @ 12:00PM Eastern

This is a live event, not canned or pre-recorded.

There are only 250 seats, so you have to register.

And here's what you'll get when you attend:

  • Copy/paste ad (download)
  • 2 new apps
  • Full playbook
  • Full cheat sheet

And replay access to the webinar for 48 hours.


Hope to see you there.

-Chris Jones

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