Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Final Free Lead Strategy Inside (REALTORS)

Hey All, 

Before we get started with today's lesson, I wanted to update you guys on my friend Adrian who I talked about in yesterday's email.

Adrian was the ball of energy we trained yesterday morning focused on doubling his business for the coming year.

We came up with how many leads he would need for the year and then I shared with him the exact strategy for generating those leads from free ads on Craigslist.

He had some reservations, but he was willing to give it a try.

Well, Adrian dove right into the deep end and posted 4 ads following our guidelines and using our ad generator.

This morning he called me back flabbergasted that it actually worked. He woke up to 9 new leads generated while he slept!

He is already writing his next ads for today as I type up this lesson and then he will sit back and renew those ads until they expire.

What I love about Adrian is that he didn't sit on the sidelines wondering or doubting. He just did it.

So many agents sit around theorizing different business strategies that might work...but then they never *do* any of them.

I've shared a number of simple, free strategies that you can use to get leads. Do something today to connect with your next client.

As our Business Planning series comes to a close, I wanted to share with you one last technique that can add to your lead generation in the coming year.

If you followed along with our business planning training, you already have a number of leads you need to target each and every month.

You have already gathered some marketing ideas and specific strategies for generating some of those leads.

And you have stacked them together so that you can hit your lead target and ultimately your income goal for the year.

Here's another strategy that you can add to your arsenal.

One of the tools that is included in our system is the ability to create great looking single property websites in 5 minutes.

Check to see if we availability in your market

We have always been sold on the good will they create with our sellers. Every time we create a single property site and share it with them, they love it.

Over the years, something that was once about creating good will began to have a more tangible effect on our business.

Single property websites can generate leads.

And it makes sense.

The first thing a seller does when their home goes on the market is tell all their friends and family on social media.

Common social media engagement rates are 1.6% (facebook) or 2.5% (instagram) and if the average seller with 338 friends on Facebook or 265 followers on Instagram shares their single property website just once per month, that can add up to an additional 10-15 visitors to their site every single month.

Now that's not a lot of traffic for most single property websites.

But what if you were to harness the traffic the same way you did with your Craigslist ads (good websites capture 20-30% of unique visitors)?

Then what if you were to do that for all of your listings (the average REALTOR carries 5 listings)?

I'll do the math for you.

That's nearly 20 new leads every single month on auto-pilot while spending almost no time or energy.

That's the kind of guerilla marketing idea we love.


Btw I get asked all the time. How much does my system cost? Only $100 for the whole system, plus you get my robocaller, ad generator and a bunch of other goodies.

HOWEVER, the price goes up after Friday.

If you want to lock in current pricing AND get 50% off all you have to do is check to see if it's available in your area first.

Get My Ultimate Website System

(Or check to see if it's available in your area)

All the best,

-Matt Jones

P.S. - Have you joined my private Facebook group yet? It's free, and I'll sharing secret tactics I don't feel comfortable sharing on the blog. Join and meet and new like-minded agents.

Guerilla Realty
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